Monday, June 28, 2010

Et si on arretait de faire de la merde, qu'on reprennait les choses en main , ca serait peut etre mieux ?

Ive heard it before, your diamond words melted in to some ice. And I'm looking for love, not an empty page full of stuff that means nothing but "you've been played" cuz i do not accept any less than someone just as real as fabulous.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Je n'ai pas oublié tes larmes, pas oublié, pas oublié...

Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Det här är svårt att förklara
kanske inte bara en vanlig låt om min vardag
Toppar och dalar, jag gav dig mitt hjärta
bara rakt ut, hmm det är min dåliga vana
För det blir så ibland, jag vet
det tar tid och jag tror jag vet
Vad vi gjorde för fel, passionerat
men okontrollerat, ha, idioter
Och jag vill bara känna hur det känns
tänka tillbaka bara minnas & vara konsekvent
Våra stunder vi hade, tankar idér
din lukt i din nacke, pussar och skrattar
åt sista gången vi delade en spliff på balkongen
satt uppe på natten

Och jag minns när jag mådde kasst
du sa jag kan dra vårt last
Det kommer funka, måste funka
nånstans där finns vår plats
Det kommer funka, måste funka
nånstans där finns vår plats
Den enda personen som tagit upp min tankekraft
24/7.. Baby —– saudades! som en brasse sagt!
Och jag trodde jag borde va trygg
vi gör det tillsammans och hon har min rygg
Oh shit vad jag älskar dig
trotts att jag knappt visste vad dom orden betydde
Och det vet jag typ inte ens idag
det gick för fort, vi vände blad
från ett sånt förhållande tar det lång tid att tända av
Det bästa sex jag haft i hela mitt liv
jag nästan jag nästan skäms över att säga det högt
ibland så, skippar vi snacket vi bara vet vad vi vill
Det kändes nästan överflödigt och använda rösten, okej

Fyfan vad sjukt att man kan känna sån passion
vi åt och drack & grät och vi skrattade och vi kom ihop
Som bästa vännen som har tagit det till nästa level
där vi bara hoppades men fick se vad som hände!

För hon var bäst, försök & överträffa det Ja
För hon var bäst, försök & överträffa det Ja
För hon var bäst, men kommer aldrig mer tillbaks
För hon, flyger iväg som ett pappersflygplan!

Lilla baby jag kan inte stanna kvar
jag fuckar upp ditt organiserade liv
Jag har rappat in en massa pengar
allt du vill kan du få, men ingen trygg framtid
Jag har packat mina saker,
på väg ut från vår lägenhet nu snart är den din
Skulle bara vilja krypa ner i sängen och säga förlåt för de blev som det blir
För jag kommer som ett yr
Och vinner ditt hjärta men flyr iväg till nästa så fort anar något ansvar!
För jag fattar mycket väl att det är i mina, det såkallade blodet i mina ådror
kommer från min pappa, men tänker starta min familj så fort det går dåligt
Det sociala arvet får rätt igen
och det går utöver min bästa vän
Jag älskar dig, så vi kanske kanske kanske syns igen!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

"This time, things will be different and you're gonna see me"

E com o tempo fiquei mais seletiva, aquelas amizades fúteis que eu tinha já não me interessam mais, as músicas ruins não me completam e o amor, o amor só se for real.

You can never replace anyone because everyone is made up of such beautiful specific details____________

"A prayer for the wild at heart kept in cages."

The ugly truth

Lately, I had an epiphany while discussing various issues in the matter of the heart. I can't quite explain it, but it just hit me:

I saw the ugly truth about myself. Maybe I knew it all along, because friends have warned me, yet, I had refused their truth and substituted it with my own - Which was a complete joke.
I have been a deliberate ignorant throughout this entire past 12 months.
That's gotta hurt the ego a little bit........I guess I needed time to objectively see the pattern of my recurring problems. It is hard to realize our own mistakes.

I don't like the new perception of me now, even though it is the cruel truth:
I have been desperate, eager beyond reason, to satisfy my needs. My needs of affection, that is.

I looked everywhere, in any little opportunity, any half-way open door to find a loving heart.
I jumped right into situations that were already doomed for catastrophy, and although I am a risk taker, I have been chasing people for so long now. And what for? What good has it brought but heartbreak, deception, illusions, fake promises and high expectations? That isn't love, that is desperation, loneliness and lack of affection.

Everytime things ended with someone, or never really got a start, I blamed it on the person - and not me. I expected them to behave in a certain way, to live up to their words. And they didn't.
Had I realized that I was expecting too much from them, maybe I wouldn't be a bitter little girl, adding every facebook on the likes of: "I hate assholes", or "I am so tired of selfish guys". Now i realize how silly all of that sounds.

I deleted those facebook groups, and I am no longer bitter (but it still hurts).
I don't blame any of these guys for how they delt with the situation, because the way I searched for love, was all wrong. It wasn't there... How could i have had expected any more from them? On the other hand, what i felt for these guys, were REAL. 100%.

In fact, there was nothing wrong with these guys - they were interesting, sweet and affectionate. They simply didn't want anything serious.
It was what it was, for a short while of fun and someone to temporarely fill the void inside my bed, maybe even my heart..... ( i told you, i went too far. )

I have to confess though, that even if things are not supposed to be more than a little adventure, I strongly believe in good manners and consideration of others feelings.
The least people can do is to end things in a civilized manner, and honesty above all. But no, that's not how the real world works. In the end, we have to be satisfied with the insulting silence and the few cold words left behind, echoing in our minds...

The conclusion? I am not running after anyone, anymore. I am not going to pretend it is something it is not. I am done running. It's been 12 months of disappointments - with myself.

From now on, I will quit running after. Wether it is superficial or not, it does not matter. I have tried too hard and far too long to be a good girl. But why? And for who do i need to prove this anyway? No one...If someone does not give me a good enough reason, I do not need to justify what I am doing under my sheets....

Until something real, preferably not involving any running after (!!!), comes along...I will enjoy the temporary adventures, for exactly what they are. Nothing more, nothing less.

I say what I MEAN and I Do what I FEEL....But have been known to put my FOOT in my MOUTH and REGRETED some of the things I've DONE........

ps more posts on this subject to follow.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Truth is, everybody is going to hurt you; you just gotta find the ones worth suffering for.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

I think i got it!

Happiness is something every human being wants to achieve but not always does.
It is such a suttle feeling many do not attain in life.
I am more and more conviced it has become so as we have predetermined ideas of what happiness is supposed to be. Then reality comes along, and disappoints us.

In my opinion, happiness is achieved when we have learnt to live and accept the imperfections of life. That in fact, there is no such thing as PERFECTION.

If you quit your idea of "happiness", where you have a criteria for everything, such as 1. how you want your life to be 2. what kind of girl you want to marry 3. where you will want to live..and INSTEAD, accept that you may not marry the girl you thought you'd marry (but whom you still love of course), did not end up in the city you thought you would and just live without a CRITERIA for everything? What about letting things develop naturally?

Isn't happiness being in peace and accepting that you will not always get EXACTLY what you want, that the world is NOT perfect, that PERFECTION is an utopia created by men, just to make them even more miserable?

I find disappointments and unexpected situations important too. I have accepted that they will appear in my life and mess all my future plans, that i will never get rid of it. But if i accept them as a part of life, that there is no way I can shape my future according to MY CRITERIAS exactly of how i want it to be, maybe I will be happy and let life show me new paths and new ways of thinking.

Yes, we decide our own fate but we can't be overly paranoid and expect that we will get everything we want exactly the way we want them to be.

For all i know, I might not move to Barcelona. I may find a better school in Madagascar and get married before i turn 30, in a Las Vegas 20dollar chapel,dressed as Elvis Presley.

Not in my plans. AT ALL. But absurd? Absolutely not.

What is it with people who initiate something and do not follow through? What is it with people who do not go all the way, but only 30, 40 or 50% of the way half-heartedly and then suddenly stop and go backwards? What is the point in initiating something if you cannot handle it in the first place?

What is the point?

The only certain thing in life is that we will eventually die, so why do people go on and on about having to protect their hearts or themselves in general? Protect? Really, what from? Because as far as I know, the worse enemy is yourself. Your mind will play tricks on you and tell you to give up because it is too hard and too painful. However, the truth is that your are stronger than you think. Trust me on this one, because I have been to hell, and back. (Not once, but twice.)

Look at me, I am still here. Open heart, putting myself into dangerous situations. I do it because i do not know HOW NOT to do it. All i know is that i simply need to.

Look, it is pretty simple. If you are actually going to LIVE your life, and not let it live YOU, you are going to have to experience EVERYTHING TO 100%, not 30, 40..or 50% .

So go ahead, put your hand in the fire, risk a little. It is the only way to experience. Go all the way, burn. It will show you that you are alive. It does not matter if you may get hurt, because you might just. But, so what?

Feel everything - Feel happiness, feel fear, feel excruciating pain, just feel and open your eyes to what is in front of you.

Wake up, before it is too late.
Because your faith has to be greater than your fear.

J'ai voyagé, jai rencontré des gens, jai eu des bons et mauvais souvenirs mais bordel qu'es que je me sens vivante........

Monday, May 03, 2010

On another note (and much brighter!)

The wives managed to squeeze in a REUNION down south of France! For the ones who don't know, my wifey i.e Louise, was one of the first persons I met when I moved to Aix back in 2008. We litteraly lived in eachothers pockets, and experienced so much together that it's barely impossible to express it into words.
We had our disagreements, our fights, and even took a distance for over a year. Now, 18 months later, we meet again. And may I say, it was great. Nervewrecking, but great!

I love my wife, there is nobody quite like you, Lou..

I miss us, and our crazy times.

Damn, we were INSANE together. Probably not the healthiest lifestyle though, but those aixperiences were worth it, no doubt.