Sunday, June 18, 2006

And the game moves on!!!

Brazil-Australia 2-0! We still got "it".

What really pisses me off is the fact that the whole world expects us to play like gods, to play samba football. Alright, i understand that the favorite teams always have the pressure of being beyond perfect, but to say that we didn't impress during this game, is very lame.
The first half was a catastrophe. Personally, the first half is always the learning process. One learns to read the oponent team. Thereafter, one learns to play around their tactics.
Now, Australia, was beyond agressive and incredibly on to our key players. Tell me, how are we to play with a bunch of big rugby men on us? Around the 20th minute Ronaldinho tried to get the ball towards the goal, but it was impossible. For a while there, no football spirit. No art, no game. That is not football, thus, making it impossible for our golden boys to shine.
On the second half, the team woke up. They knew a little better, they tried a little harder. That is the difference. That is impressive enough. Yes, Australia improved too, but in the end, our boys showed the world once again, that we still got "it" - no matter what the comentators think...
Adriano, you're the man!!!!!(note that when he made the goal Adriano and his team mates did what Bebeto did in 94 when he scored a goal - he did the baby dance, for his son who was born a few days ago..that is love!)

But on the other hand, Sweden was nominated the best supportive crowd in Germany. You didnt see that coming did you? Apparently Brazil isnt n the top 10 - that's odd, because todays match showed a 80% arena covered in green and yellow..

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