Monday, July 23, 2007

Careful with the evil elevator of Flogsta..

Sunday, July 22, 2007

This video is for the brazilian public! A brazilian woman trying to say Hahahahah, I love brazilians trying to speak english..ADORABLE!

vlado vlado vlado iu tubi ponto conto!


Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Being John Malkovich

I am a big fan of John Malkovich, so when i stumbled upon this story I felt like I had to post it. So here it goes:

"On the way back from an assignment i saw some "outside paparazzi" happily papping, as it were, Leslie Bibb. Who's Leslie Bibb? exactly.

So ... the outside people are nice for the most part. They don't fuck with me. Had a cigarette with a couple of them.

In the midst of the smoke they took off and started papping the fuck out of some dude. I had no idea who it was.

Anyway ... since this dude was walking in the direction of "wireimage camp central," i decided to follow him. I walked up to him -- holding my leica -- and said, "I know you hate motherfuckers like me."

"What kind of motherfucker are you?"

It was mr. Malkovich. To this date i had no b/w on him so i asked, "May i make a frame?" He stopped. He grinned. I made a frame.

he said, "you can make another." - To which i replied, "i only needed one." At this point he said, "i really appreciate the way you approached me, what's your name?"

We then walked down main street and talked about films and cameras, and he asked where he can see my work. 'Twas really fucking cool.

leica mp. 75/2.0 APO-Summicron ASPH. 1/30th at f/2.8. ilford delta 400 (plus +1 at 800)


Today I spent the day packing up in my room in Flogsta*snif snif*, and so far this is how it looks (from a crappy quality webcam)...


Thursday, July 12, 2007


Oswaldo Montenegro

Que a força do medo que tenho não me impeça de ver o que anseio.
Que a morte de tudo em que acredito não me tape os ouvidos e a boca.

Pois metade de mim é o que eu grito mas a outra metade é silêncio.
Porque metade de mim é partida mas a outra metade é saudade.

Que essa minha vontade de ir embora se transforme na calma e na paz que eu mereço. Que essa tensão que me corrói por dentro seja um dia recompensada.

Porque metade de mim é o que penso e a outra metade um vulcão.

Que o medo da solidão se afaste que o convívio comigo mesmo se torne ao menos suportável .Que o espelho reflita em meu rosto um doce sorriso
que me lembro ter dado na infância.

Porque metade de mim é a lembrança do que fui e a outra metade não sei.

Que não seja preciso mais que uma simples alegria pra me fazer aquietar o espírito e que o teu silêncio me fale cada vez mais.

E que a minha loucura seja perdoada porque metade de mim é amor e a outra metade também...

One moment

Did you ever wonder if we make the moments in our lifes or if the moments in our lifes make us? If you could go back and change just one thing about your life, would you? And if you did, would that change make your life better? Or would that ultimately break your heart? Or break the heart of another? Would you choose an intirely diferent path or would you choose one thing?

Just one moment. One moment that you always wanted back...


Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Bloc Party - Waiting for the 7.18


Give me moments
Just give me moments
Not hours or days
Just give me moments

If I could do it again
I'd make more mistakes
I'd not be so scared of falling

Just give me moments...

Friday, July 06, 2007

Home is where the heart is

Flogsta live @ 3:30am from my room

Home is where the heart is. Indeed. For two years and a half, Flogsta has been exactly that for me, but even more so for this last year between 2006-2007.

Now that everybody is gone, everything has changed. Flogsta is empty, lonely and lifeless. Only a few Ten o clock screams here and there. Feels like Flogsta is suffering from an after glow.......The
exchange students really are the spirit of this place. I miss them!

It's funny how the people we live with make all the difference to how "homie" places makes us feel. Now that some of the most important people on my life are back in their countries, I suddenly feel homeless. Everything that I knew - the routine, the security & the habits are gone. Thus, making this transition to the new, very hard. A step back into reality? No, every day of these past 10 months have been real. This was not an illusional dream world to me. Far from it.

Sometimes I get small panic & abstinence attacks. What's next? What now?
There is no such thing as a smooth transition. It really does take time to adjust to the new - I am moving away from Flogsta and from everything I know. I will go through different stages of annoyance, irritation, sadness, nostalgi & frustration..until I can embrace the will be's and let go of the has been's.

One thing I am sure of though, this is the right time to move - my friends have gone, so things will never be the same again. It's time to let the new in and embrace the new experiences. Nothing will ever beat this past year. Actually, not even close. But that's life.....

Now it's soon time to say my farewells. I am homeless now, but I know it's only temporary. Soon I will be back on track, but I do need this time to mourn and celebrate all that has happened during these last crazy, unstable, wonderful, complicated, eventful 10 mon

Moving back home for a few months, studying in Stockholm, finding an apartment in Uppsala..So many plans. But plans, they always change, and that's the beauty of life - it never turns out the way we expect it to be. And that is what keeps life overwhelmingly exciting.

I've been blessed with a wave of luck this year. L
ife-changing situations, personal growth, I met wonderful people, made friends for life (a great group indeed), I felt love of different sorts and so on.. On the other hand, I've hurt people I cared for, I did things I never imagined I'd do, got myself into awkward situations, felt strange sorts of jealousy, but I learnt...a lot. And I still have a smile on my face.

Flogsta, you will be missed, but specially my friends, who made this place feel like home.

I wish we had one more year together....but I'll be back - with Jojo, Lolo, Josy & Dani from the group... And to the rest of our exchange friends - you're always welcome back to visit us! =)

ps Lolo, it's you and me this fall...31st of August is the nation premiere! I am longing so much! You know what that means.... you and me and lotsa bottles of white wine and champagne, mon chérie!!!!! (AJ please come too if you can!!) And everybody else of course....!

Letting go of the rainbow, little by little...(but just a little)

You can take the girl away from Uppsala, but you can't take Uppsala away from the girl!

