Wednesday, July 26, 2006

The internet is a lunatic center

My patience is becoming shorter and shorter with the internet lunatic world.
The things I get to hear are mindboggling to say the least. What has happened??????
Let me explain, lately I have seen friends and friends of friends go through hell on online communities because of psychotic women after them. Envy, name it!
The things they do in order to get underneath ones skin makes me wonder what kind of life these women live, if they spend so much effort and energy on women they clearly envy. I dont understand. What scares me the most is the fact that they dont have a reason to envy these people. I wonder what is the point, and hope they get therapy fast because what these people do is an attempt to break down a persons integrity and private life.
Alright, by joinging an online community we are bound to be exposed, so that makes me wonder if we should have our real names flashing on the pages with pictures of us, because this is definetly a trend going on the internet, and it isnt funny.
The thing they dont understand is that by criticizing the women the envy, reflects such an obvious jealousy and you know what it tells us? It tells us that these little bees want to have the bigger jar of honey these girls have

I am happy some of these stories which I have heard have solved themselves, like my sisters friend, who has sued this psychotic woman..
Justice DOES conquer in the end and it is really easy to see through these lunatics, one can see through them, crystal-clear, lacking soul......

Monday, July 24, 2006

A sizzly day!!

Wow, what a day! Today, Rebecca, Ale ( dressed from top till bottom in Brazilian clothe!!!!) and I went to Stockholm's tivoli "Grona Lund".
It was a "sizzly affair" full of candy, speed, action and a big hole in the wallet after we left - hahaha, no not that bad, it was definetly worth it, specially because we don't get to see our small family members so often, unfortunately. This is the time to spoil them, indeed!!

One of the highlights was the mirror room - heck, those mirrors made me look like a freak! First i got a big head, it made me look like i had developed a headache, a neck as long as a girafes, legs of a model - djesss, Rebecca and i agreed that we should get ourselves one of those to do good for our self-esteem ;). The three of us had a great time in there!!
The funniest one was definetly the one which gave us the longest chest - Becca looked like gravity had not been very kind to her. Horrendous but oh so funny!

The day ended by the obligatory stop by good ol' McDonalds and 1 hr and a half later Ale had sinked in bed in record time.

We will definetly miss our little "Ale Berry", but it will be even nicer when the whole Dietz clan come over for christmas in our new house.

Doubtlessly a day to remember, when we look back. These are what memories are made of...

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Women behaving badly

Human beings are curious creatures, as I am one myself, I know for a fact that sometimes we are more interesting to observe than watching a program on Animal Planet.

I know that morals and what we considered "right" and "wrong" differs with every individual. It is interesting how our differences in thinking and handling creates us to argue, discuss and agree, but sometimes it goes overboard, leading us back to Animal Planet mode - handling by instinct, acing like animals, instead of acting like rational and mature adults.

I believe we try to behave our very best, until our resources become limited, but on the other hand, some people overreact before thinking, and that really gets my blood to boil over. I find that utterly unnecessary and unfair. No doubt about it.

I confess I have been irrational at times, but never have I judged someone before knowing the truth. It is the same as reading a gossip magazine and asuming that one relies completely on shady resources without questioning it, without thinking for oneself and acting like a primitive robot. Yes, pityful.

That makes me wonder how we can be so different from eachother - I know that our differences lie in childood, experiences, lifestyle, personality and so on, but still, I dont get it.

For example, women who fight over men, in such a vulgar way, to the point that they act desperate to protect their property - but wait a minute, we do not own people, we cannot control that and it is highly unrealistic to be able to control someone. That is just wrong! What an utopia!

If women are upset at a situation with their man, comfront them, not the woman on the outside. Isnt that obvious? If we feel that something is wrong, it is clear that there is a crystal clear problem in the relationship - we all do things for a reason, our boyfriends or even ourselves aren't angels. If we feel hurt or angry, get to the bottom of the problem, if we want to solve the root. Sometimes women blame the wrong target - isn't that a sign of lack of self-esteem? Maybe some people prefer to take the easy way out, blindfolded...

Last but not least, If your boyfriend has betrayed you in any way, why would you still want him? He makes his own decisions, he does it for a reason, its up to you to find out the source of your problems, and girl, the problem isnt a 3d "skank" in the picture. Something is clearly missing, and it isnt sexy underwear.....
So please, rise above! Dont give us a bad image. Keep the catfights to Jerry Springer, that is the purpose it serves us. E-N-T-E-R-T-A-I-N-M-E-N-T....

ps Before I get any death threats I would like to be clear with a few main points:

I am not trying to pick a fight with anyone.
I am of a jealous nature as well, and I understand that at times it is natural to feel possessive and angry, but I decide to grab the bull by its horns rather than acting like one.

If I have offended anyone, I am sorry, I try to stand on a neutral ground.


Long time no read, huh? I know, I have been bad at keeping up the posts since I left Uppsala to Stockholm. I have been home now, and calmed down after the world cup. First I thought of writing about Zidanes tatanka moves, but then i realized every second blogger will be writing about it, so I let it go.

Now to the updates:

1. It has been enjoyable to be home, we have had my brother Carl and his family visiting us for a few days, Daniel came along too and spent a few days with us. It was definetly full house.

Last weekend is what I could easily call the "weekend of hell" - even though it was nice to have so many kids and people at home, everything that could have gone wrong did - the house decided to break down : the pool got a crack, the water overflood the cellar - we still dont know where the water is coming from, the toilet seats broke, my brothers little son, Alexander, nearly drowned ( it wasbt a pleasant experience, luckily I managed to get him out in time - nobody saw that coming, it all happened in a split second, and it took a few seconds for us to realize he had jumped in the water, so my brother jumped from the veranda into the pool with all his clothe to save Alexander, but i managed a few seconds before - thank god...)
2. And last but not least, my dad broke the back of his left foot when he jumped in the pool, so now he cant walk for nonetheless 8 weeks, it makes him basically paralized (and the fact that we are moving in september-october doesnt make it better nor can my parents travel and enjoy summer, so typical isnt it!?!)

It always happens to the best families ;) as i would like to believe.

3. My niece Alessandra has been here in Sweden with us for a few weeks now, she is only 6 years old and came all by herself from Switzerland, where my oldest sister lives - I must admit, I enjoyed having her around more than expected. She is so funny, sweet, easy going, happy, loveable, talkative and will be definetly hard to let her go, now that i got used to having a cute little thing lying down next to me. I really hope one day to have an exact copy of her ;) - if it doesnt work out, i will just have to ask my sister to "make me one of those" hahahaha!!!!

Well, not much has happened other than that. Have met friends, hung out with family, played beachvolley in Uppsala with some friends, been with my boyfriend enjoying his company, being lazy, reading, enjoying the unusual summer heat that has blessed Sweden this year - all in all, easy-going and enjoyable - it is definetly nice to change environments now and then.

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Losers match

I'm sorry, but the most overrated team of this world cup must be Germany. I know that goals are decisive wether or not the team will win, but honestly, I didnt find Germany to possess the most exciting game nor best team of this world cup
Of course, i will not hide my bitterness towards Germany winning over Portugal. I thought Portugal had much more football spark to show for than Germany. The opportunities were there, and they definetly deserved to have won the bronze - It would have been fair, it would have been nice.
However, this world cup has so far upset me deeply and surprised me not once but a couple of times.
I root for Italy to win the gold medal - you know why.. On the other hand, I like their agressivity. But as it seems, this world cup is becoming more and more alike corruption and unfairness - just like the brazilian politician mentality..
If France wins, I will consider this the world cup of the witches - no doubt about it. I dont find football to be a sport anymore as it once was, it is losing its essence and I am sure all of us suporters are aware about it - This world cup smells more and more like rotten fish to me...fishy indeed.
To wrap this post up, let me tell you, Brazil will wake up from their deep cinderella sleep..*yawn*
Now if Brazil ever meets Portugal in 2010, well..that is a whole new story.

My admiration belongs to you this world cup, Portugal! You did after all reach the 4th place - well done!

Monday, July 03, 2006

Lets set the record straight!

Se o meu coracao tivesse cor seria verde e amarelo..
Cansei de certas pessoas me enchendo o saco e tentando tirar satisfacao comigo sobre o fato de que o time magico perdeu. Ah nao, isso nao tem cabimento. Sera que a tradicao brasileira de futebol nao pode fracassar de vez em quando? Ate esse time maravilhoso que tivemos esse ano fracassou, mas tudo por falta de planejamento, de pratica. Eu acredito no nosso time, e eu entendo a pressao de ter que prestar 100% toda vez que eles joguem - ate em treinamento! Primeiro eles idolatram o time quando vai bem, e depois catam pedra...que hipocrisia!

I rest my case.