Breaking through life's cataclysms
Earlier today I was reading a friend's blog (, and came across this one specific post he wrote, which felt so familiar to me & to my own experiences, I wish I had written it myself. At some point in life, you have or will go through this following experience. The post is simple, painful, true & above all, very honest.
Here is a part of it:
"I believe that some things are meant to be. or - when I think about it - actually all things! we learn something from everyone we meet and all the experiences we have. every person leaves a mark in you, may it be tiny or infinitively large. the size of the mark is simply a blueprint of the person's importance to your heart.
But letting other people affect us also means we have to open our hearts for the experience, and for the possibility to change. Many people are afraid of that because opening your heart and letting someone in also means a risk to get hurt. But life is full of people we must meet and part from, some leave us unaffected and others..... change us forever.....
So.... what's the meaning with all this? why do we meet people if they're going anyway? maybe because it's all part of the teaching plan. there's something in it for us to learn. sometimes it takes 10 years before we understand what, then suddenly one day you see it in a different perspective, and ask yourself how you could have missed to see it earlier!"/J.C Schutz"Because life only gives itself to the one who gives himself. To the one who loved, to the one who cried, to the one who suffered." Vinícius de MoraesI find this post comforting. It carries hope and a certain easiness for the heart. There is no point in questioning things we can't control nor understand. These experiences are one of life's cataclysms..
As I commonly say : Everything in its right time, everything in its right place... Que será, será. Never fails.
'Nuff said.
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