Thursday, December 27, 2007


"Life is a circle which ascends,

We pass the same points thousand of times,
Just on different heights..."

Ilhan Irem

So here we face the end of yet another year. Personally, for me, it feels like time flies the older I get. I'm always amazed at how things end up turning out. Life surely does have a way in sneaking up on us..

I tried putting a feeling, 1 word to describe this year, but i failed miserably. 2007 was by far, my most challening, intense, crazy, nerve-bearing, sad, happy, personal, enriching year of my life so far. Horrible, but wonderful at the same time.

The beginning of 2007 carried a lot of hope and happiness for me, but that bubble burst faster than I had expected. I learnt that the more intense a feeling/a relationship is, the faster it will end. Too much of a good thing. An overwhelming experience, with such intensity, it couldn't possibly survive reality. I was truly happy though. Never had been so happy in my life like those 2 months. A big set back. Never experienced such sadness. I believed the rest of the year would have been doomed by that, but thankfully it didn't.

I should thank my lucky stars, because what was about to happen in my life, was more than I had bargained for. By then, I truly understood what "when a door closes, another one opens" came to mean.

By february I had met someone completely unexpected, and it was so damn sweet. It was supposed to be a casual thing, but it turned out to be something that came to mean more to me than I ever had predicted. Unfortunately, during those spring months, in the middle of emotionally charged circumstances, that too, brought too many feelings and complications to the table. I wish I could have been more honest, more open, but I felt limited to do so. Nobody ever limits me, but this time I wasn't able to keep control of the situation..

I found a great couple of people who I have come to love. I could not have gone through with that turbulent period without you guys. You were my angels, even though I didn't take your advice (!!!) We surely built a great gang of people, even though we are very different from eachother. I am truly lucky.

All in all, a great student term in Uppsala. Probably the best one I will ever have. A good thing like that doesn't come knocking on your door twice.

As the term came to it's end, a great sadness began to take over. We knew the Erasmus people who we grew close to, were leaving for good. Our little bubble was about to dissolve.

Our farewell dinner on the roof of our building, watching the sunset, signing t-shirts, just looking at eachother, without the need of words, as tears would roll down my face as I tried to get ready for our very last Värmlands party. That was one great night, but the atmosphere was as cheerful as a funeral's. Or the magical evening then...when we biked home in the soaking rain, back from Snerikes. So many, memories. So many laughs. I was living the mexican soap opera. So many funny incidents. I should write a memoir.

Those last days were the sadest days of 2007. I didn't want to say goodbye. Nobody did.

The upcoming term was to be another challenge. I was a mess. I tried channeling my attention towards studies and work. It wasn't very succesful, although I did pretty well in school and my boss really liked me. But personally, I was empty. I had moved back to Stockholm for 6 months in order to save up on some money. Financially great, emotionally.. not so very.

So many farewells. First Chris, then Laurent...followed by Andrew. I hope we don't lose contact...

Coming August, my sister was about to move back to Brazil. She had met this guy (let's call him Pickle!) who I grew to like a lot, and he sure did pass the little sister approval. Eller hur?!!!! :P

Although I wasnt all that excited about the fact that she was leaving the country in order to be with him, and leave the little sister here, I was very happy for her. I knew how much she "needed" this, and she found it.

My big sister and I always shared a room, never spent any Christmas apart - nor birthdays.
We did everything together, we finished eachother sentences, we knew eachothers thoughts, we laughed at the most lame and ridiculous things. People would call us "naturally drunk". Big sizzle, little sizzle. How would life be without eachother?
By saying farewell to her in August was a very painful situation. Sitting with mom looking at her airplane lift was horrible, just horrible. However I knew she had to take that chance.....and it was absoFUCKINGlutely right of her to take that leap, that leap most people looked down upon.

Being without my sister came to be arduous but enriching. I had to find security in myself alone, find my roll as myself, and not the little sister who leans on her big sister for advice and security.
I'm still learning...but siz, I don't want us to be apart forever, let's not follow the family trend. Life is so lame without you!!! There is so much I want to share with you..Plus, nobody gets my jokes! Only you get them..lama lama duck!
Everyone telling me " this is good for the both of you", but It's so hard...I'm still learning to live without you close. But i still carry you around with me, don't forget that, siz...

Looking back, the first half year was the best part of this year, hands down. The other half was more of a retreating, recharging the batteries, stepping out of that bubble - which was wonderful, but too intense. I guess it couldn't have lasted more than it did. Good things are always short-lived. I would have been a wreck otherwise.


This space was supposed to be yours.


It's been a bittersweet 2007. Some people whom I've met will never really know how much they mean to me, and how much I really do care for them. I always will. Some, I wish I got to know better, or express my true feelings for. But that's life, isn't it?

1 regreat this year. I learnt my lessons now, maybe too late, but I did. I guess that that does count as something.

I will miss 2007, but 2008 carries new possibilities. The continuation of our lifelong path. The non-stop personal growth and learning, which never ends. I will for sure do absurd things, either immoral, illegal or just plain stupid. But this time, I'll have a stronger armour. I know what I want, and I know who I want to be. I just hope I'll come to find some peace of mind, and another bunch of wonderful people who I can create memories with... But this time, with less drama. Let's see what my year abroad in France will bring..

I'm hopeful and excited about the year to come. I hope you are too.

With love,


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