Saturday, February 20, 2010

Easy, tiger!

* Picture taken by renowned photographer Anne Leibovitz

Even though my blog is aimed to stick to my own personal issues, from time to time I feel the need to vent out on completely incoherent topics.

Today I need to express my somewhat hatred towards media in general. I guess I can blame my media & communication course for introducing me to the bizarre psychology behind consumer behaviour. How much more aware one becomes by in-depth information!

One of our weekly seminars were about the media fuss surrounding the Tiger Woods scandal, as he, in a matter of days, went from glorified hero to well, scum of society - i.e human (after all).

One of the things that creates an uneasy irritation in my core, is the fact that the public can be so hypocritical. One minute they love you and higher you to a glorified thrown, and the other, throw stones at you as if you have deceived a family member in an unthinkable manner.

Why is it that people glorify celebrities? They are human after all. Obviously their lifestyle differs in comparison to ours, but still. No marriage is a constant blissful walk in the park. Nobody is perfect. He just happens to have more temptation begging for attention at every move he makes, compared to us commoners. Plus, even though we aren't famous, we too have committed pretty ugly acts on loved ones. It is simply not broadcasted nor handed to a feast of tasteless media magazines. Hypocrits!

Why can't he simply be seen as what he is: An outstanding prodigy & a sportsman of untangible skills. His personal life shouldn't be expected to be a picture perfect scenario off a Disney flic. Why can't people separate these two? Heck, we all have bones in our closets - wether they are the walk-in million dollar closets out of MTV "Cribs", to the the budget IKEA models.

I can understand the fact that celebrity adoration is due to the need to allow us to switch off from our mundain and less than glamorous routined lifes. I get all that! However, to expect perfection out of a celebrated person is downright outrageous. And don't get me started on the "role model" responsability. No wonder so many famous people can't handle this sort of pressure.

Tiger Woods should be let alone to clean his act up. Treat him as a sportsman, nothing less, nothing more.

Yes, this is an utopian wishful thinking! But one can always wish the media/public to at least, become less hypocritical and go a little easy on the brutal headlines.

Insincere glorification isn't becoming.

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