Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Eurovision gets to you sooner or later

I remember that when I moved to Sweden, Eurovision was a part of its culture. I couldn't understand it, because Eurovision songs are usually so bad and tacky, that I'd rather spend my evening smoking waterpipe or going out. My swedish friends on the other hand, cancelled any other activities just to stay home and watch the contest (!!!!)
I found that absurd. But now, 7 years later, 7 years of Sweden, I find myself just like my swedish friends, stuck in the sofa, watching every single contestant sing - and those are about 24 countries!
Not only did i watch, i voted too, and to vote, it costs about 0.5 euros. No further comments!
However, now i must say I like it. The music is still bad, but this year, something like 3 to 4 contestants were good. Sweden has Carola (I don't like her, but this year, her song was really good), Tina Karol from Ukraine with her "Show me your love" song - She reminds me of Shakira. I even downloaded her song, I'm sorry to upset you! Then Bosnia had this traditional song, which was pretty ok...and last but not least, my favorite...LORDI from Finland. And they are pure rock n roll...
Guess who won??!!!!!!!!! YESSSSSSS LORDI! I was flipping of happiness. Could not believe a rock band could win Eurovision, which is so pop it smells like bubble gum through the tv screen!!!
They look horrendous, but godamnit, they are so cool. Ahhh, it makes Eurovision all the more exciting!

Lordi's comment was precious:

“We won the contest, looking like this,” he said. “It just goes to show that Europe is not such a bad place.”

Next year Eurovision will be held at our neighbours in Finland. GO FINLAND!!!!!!!
For all the curious souls out there, I will put up a picture of the highly unusual looking LORDI. They spent 350.000kr on their costumes and nobody knows how they look, because they beg the media NOT to take pictures of them when they are in private, because it would take the mystery away.. I totally agree!


Anonymous said...

Oie gitxxxxxxxxxxx
q da hora seu blog!!!!!

Fragments of life said...

Oi Peks!
Started my own as well...influenced by ...who else? YOUUUUUU