If I could start again a million miles away..

Anything, everything I have, or will, I would give, for one chance, a window, a crack..for change.
Our time, no longer is found, amid pieces of life to be sewn. They have been placed, inside the fabric of the past, with no chance to rearrange.
A wise man is said to have little heart, only a fool loves for love. I would rather spend all my life being a fool, with your love than all the wisdom of the world, and beyond, without it.
Am I running in circles, or running in place? Missing my dreams, or trampling them at my feet?
My mind shouts that I must say goodbye. But my heart sobs, for our hearts to be together. Tormented by the very dreams that I crafted with delicate care, chasing ghosts, delusional possibilities, of a forgotten chance. But as life has proven itself to be, it always goes on..
Inevitable, cruel, zero, it counts up to countdown, from beginning to end. It has, always will, and promises to forever be, because we believe so.
Until the day we do things right, the slow and finished way. Until we work with our hearts and with our minds, then and only then, will we forget time, and remember love. That, is a future we can one day have, to cherish.
And as tears dry, and the memories fade to dreams, we as life move on, somehow bettered, changed, and different. We love, we think, we decide, we grieve, we change, we live, we heal but above all, we hope..
Life is sometimes not ready, but we are, and here we go, love is always present, but sometimes our hearts are not.
Let the spring sun shed light & warmth back into our hearts now.
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