"Fácil é abraçar, apertar as mãos, beijar de olhos fechados.
Difícil é sentir a energia que é transmitida. Aquela que toma conta do corpo como uma corrente elétrica quando tocamos a pessoa certa.
Fácil é querer ser amado. Difícil é amar completamente só.
Amar de verdade, sem ter medo de viver, sem ter medo do depois.
Amar e se entregar. E aprender a dar valor somente a quem te ama.
Fácil é ditar regras. Difícil é seguí-las. Ter a noção exata de nossas próprias vidas, ao invés de ter noção das vidas dos outros.
Fácil é analisar a situação alheia e poder aconselhar sobre esta situação. Difícil é vivenciar esta situação e saber o que fazer. Ou ter coragem para fazer.
Fácil é demonstrar raiva e impaciência quando algo o deixa irritado. Difícil é expressar o seu amor a alguém que realmente te conhece, te respeita e te entende. E é assim que perdemos pessoas especiais.
Fácil é ver o que queremos enxergar. Difícil é saber que nos iludimos com o que achávamos ter visto. Admitir que nos deixamos levar, mais uma vez, isso é difícil.
Fácil é dar um beijo. Difícil é entregar a alma. Sinceramente, por inteiro. Fácil é sair com várias pessoas ao longo da vida. Difícil é entender que pouquíssimas delas vão te aceitar como você é e te fazer feliz por inteiro."
- Ain't that true....[Carlos Drummond de Andrade]
Monday, April 30, 2007
Sunday, April 29, 2007
Original version
Timbaland version
I'm holding on your rope,
Got me ten feet off the ground
I'm hearin what you say but I just can't make a sound
You tell me that you need me
Then you go and cut me down, but wait
You tell me that you're sorry
Didn't think I'd turn around, and say...
It's too late to apologize, it's too late
I said it's too late to apologize, it's too late
I'd take another chance, take a fall
Take a shot for you
And I need you like a heart needs a beat
But it's nothin new
I loved you with a fire red-
Now it's turning blue, and you say...
"Sorry" like the angel heaven let me think was you
But I'm afraid...
It's too late to apologize, it's too late
I said it's too late to apologize, it's too late
It's too late to apologize, it's too late
I said it's too late to apologize, it's too late
It's too late to apologize, yeah
I said it's too late to apologize, yeah-
I'm holdin on your rope, got me ten feet off the ground...
Friday, April 27, 2007
Some philosophers say that the one downfall of modern society is choice. We have so many choices to make, and we don’t even realise we’re making them. Your alarm clock goes off in the morning. Do you move, do you snooze, do you outright ignore it?
You go to school. Or do you? What courses will you take? What job do you want? You're making notes on the Industrial Revolution and the coffee trade in South America right now, but where's it gonna take you? Could be anywhere. Australia, Zimbabwe. McDonalds. Which is right for you?
You go to the supermarket. 227 types of cereal. You could spend your whole day trying to choose, and still come out with cornflakes. Does your cereal fulfil you? Does it?
You go to the club. You meet a handsome guy. And another one. And then more. The world is your oyster - a parade of beautiful people. A flurry of stunningly unique snowflakes; you catch them on your tongue. Old and young, dark and fair, bitter and sweet, a series of everchanging patterns. But as soon as one snowflake lands, it's replaced by the next and melts away, leaving a watery taste. Your mouth becomes icy and numb.
All those lovely choices, but there's only room for one. The One. Out of all those endless choices, there must be an ideal - your own perfection. Someone who can fulfil you, completely. It's easy. Well, "easy" - if life was that easy, I wouldn't be writing on this matter, now would I?
Choices are usually made through the following:
1. By our own logic - what is right, as in, what is moraly correct, thus not leading to an uncontrolable emotional ride with our hearts. Nothing to lose. Nothing to gain. Safety.
2. By our feelings - what may not be right, but human nature takes over and tells us we have to go through this, because the drive speaks louder. The heart, of course. The hopeless and hopefully masochist heart. Risk.
This is of course an enormous generalization of the matter. I personally make my choices (at least in my personal life) through my emotions, because in the end, I'd rather risk and know the outcome, than play it safe. I can play it safe when im 6 feet under instead...until then, I will risk. That is my choice. No matter how cliché that may sound.
All you have to do is choose one. Pick out that one remarkable fish out of that vast and overwhelming sea.
Make the right choice. But then again, can we rely in ourselves into making "the right choice"? Are we really capable in seeing beyond the haze and not get lost in the vast sea of beautiful people?
We may end up lonely and unsatisfied with the choices we make, with people who don't fullfil our hearts with joy and warmth. Damn the sea, damn the human logic, and damn these choices! It shouldn't be so hard.
Make the right choice. But then again, can we rely in ourselves into making "the right choice"? Are we really capable in seeing beyond the haze and not get lost in the vast sea of beautiful people?
We may end up lonely and unsatisfied with the choices we make, with people who don't fullfil our hearts with joy and warmth. Damn the sea, damn the human logic, and damn these choices! It shouldn't be so hard.
There are over six billion humans on this earth to choose from, you'd better hurry up...
You don't have forever, you know...
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
About a month ago the most unusual thing happened (to me). I met someone special. The whole scenario was unconventional as well. A shady DJ underground club. My sister invited me to follow her to this place as some of her friends hang there. Why not? - I thought. Let's give this a try.
I found myself a bit out of place, so i walked around this place looking for something entertaining to do; i took a stroll towards the entrance. A few minutes into my exciting mobile interaction I found myself between odd conversations with a photographer and a steady customer by the stairs. As i looked up the stairs I spotted Alfie.
Alfie was sitting by the stairs playing with his mobile, as I was - and I knew immediately he was in the same position as i was, thinking the very same thing: "What the hell am I doing here and how can I entertain myself while I'm here?", and "Maybe if i sit here for a few more minutes something exciting may happen."
We exchanged a few words but it ended there. I went back to my sister and sat in the lounge area with her friends. A few minutes later, Alfie walks towards me again, and it so happens that he was introduced to me (properly, and again) by my sisters friend. He sat by me and we started talking about ridiculous topics of all ranges. All from dirty talking in bed to the latest Grey's anatomy episode. And how we felt missplaced in this place. We hit it off immediately. However my first thought was "he must be AT LEAST BI" (this quote will go down in history!!!) because he seemed a bit feminine. Later on, my sister gave me a look and told me this guy was obviously flirting with me, and I of course denied it, because most females are blind (yes we are, or we pretend we are).
The conversation was so exciting and I was completely flabergasted by the situation. I have never in my entire life gotten along with a stranger so well as with Alfie. I rarely meet any out of the ordinary people, at all. He was extraordinary. But on the other hand, I wasn't flirting, nor did i take it as a come on. It was a very enjoyable conversation, and this very sweet surprise saved my night. We exchanged numbers and parted.
And the rest is history....or?
Well, not quite. We started meeting up, and talking for hours. Daily. Over the phone, over the internet, you name it. I can't exactly say it was intense, because I didn't see it as dating nor did I see him as a love interest. I was merely curious. It wasn't until later that things starting to evolve. I myself had gotten into this with a complete different state of mind, thus not expecting anything other than friendship. However this one person started growing in my heart. I can't deny our connection, nor how intelectually in tune we were. It's one of those rare people we meet in life who really appear out of nowhere and surprises us with their loveliness. We were coming from similar backgrounds and hurts.I represented to him hope, and so he did for me. Hope that there is light after deep darkness and despair. A light that had the possibility to shine so brightly, It could hurt the eyes but warm the heart. As we dated more I realized how expressive and warm this person was with me.
I missed that. I missed the blunt acts of affection and fondness people tend to hide when they like someone. But not with him. Yet, I realized I wasn't my usual self -
The one who becomes happily overwhelmed when she meets someone she starts liking. When butterflies sensations take over her dull daily routine, to the point when she loses her apetite (in a good way, naturally.)
I am by nature a very intense person, and I focus all my energy into making things work, assuring the guy he is the only one I see across the room.
This may sound awful, but this didn't happen. Not this time. At least I couldn't let the feelings in, as I have somewhat locked myself because of my past.
Nonetheless, there was a reason behind it. And i knew it, and he knew it. We talked about it. We were honest from the start. He knew how my past was still my present, and exactly how much it molded the person he was meeting. - Me. I am so lucky. He understood exactly where i was coming from, and that I wasn't ready to commit, but willing to take babysteps. We talked about my former boyfriend and how it still haunted me. How I clearly held him close to my heart, even though we were through. I won't deny. He is still around, somehow.
How often does one understand such a situation and despite of the imperfections, still sticks around to give it a try? It is so rare for someone to even see this slightly objectively, and the fact that he did, makes me even more fond of him - that people, is rare, and true maturity. It's beautiful and admirable. He didn't judge me nor did he see me of a less worthy girl. So thank you for having given me this chance. Many people would have walked away at the first sign of imperfection.
Will my luck ever strike twice?
Alfie, you're fucking amazing!!!! You know that?
So we took the babysteps. For a while.
Sadly, It didn't work.
He realized I couldn't give him what he needed, and I do, believe me, I do understand his reasons. So we called it off. On the other hand, I am sad. I knew that this could have been something. But the timing, oh the crappy timing. I simply wasn't in it. I wasn't ready. I hope this was the right decision, because I believe we meet very few people who we click so wonderfully with throughout this life. I don't want to see this as a failure, but it's hard..I look back at this experience with warmth and fondness. I hope we can work this out as friends. I hope he can find in his heart that we can be friends again, just like that night at the club - talking about oral sex, south american politics (!!!) And above all, I really hope this was the right decision. For both of us.
He gave me hope and brought me warmth, a glimpse of the rainbow, but too vague to build something solid of such a blurry view. The timing was completely wrong. And i hate myself for that, but what can I do? My heart has been taken hostage, and i am still working on breaking these chains. My former love made a big impact in my heart, and left me with a big question mark..I really wanted that second chance to prove him I was as worthy as Alfie saw me.
But that's life, right? I never tried so hard, and I refuse to use any breaks. Not this irremediable restless heart! Don't let it be taimed, nor limited.
"The scars you can't see are the hardest to heal."
At least we tried, because that is what life is about. Risking. No matter what. And that is one thing he and I had in common. I loved that - To challenge ones fears in order to grow, see beyond the uneasy haze, and give the people we meet an honest chance, even if that means to risk a great deal of self security.
It doesn't matter how much pain experiences can bring, but rather live it, give it a try, than runaway..Call me a masochist, but it's all damn worth it. Give me moments..
Let me be angry at myself for a while, because I can't help but be upset with myself - I know i could have been better, I know I could have been the one he wanted me to be. Feelings I had, but too vague to mold - simply too soon to bloom. I am truly sorry I couldn't let him in...
Alfie, you'll always be my uber fabiolous Mougli :D You rock this world, and you put all'them boys to shame! Tu sabes que yo te quiero mucho! Siempre, my mr brightside. You gave me moments, and you mean more to me than I ever let show above the surface.
During these past 4 weeks, I've known you forever...
Love is often a matter of timing,
But the rhythm is seldom correct.
Thus fate makes it nearly impossible,
For two lonely souls to connect.
But the rhythm is seldom correct.
Thus fate makes it nearly impossible,
For two lonely souls to connect.
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
The following post (I removed some parts), was written by a friend of mine which blew me away for the simple fact that as we were discussing a topic over msn, he sent me a post he wrote on his blog on the very same subject. And as we both share the exact same opinion on the issue, as I read it, it felt like what he wrote was the very reflection of my thoughts on it...
"It's not uncommon to meet people who distance themselves to avoid heartache and pain, which I think is a damn shame, cos even though I've suffered a lot, my best moments in life have been product of my unwavering conviction to see things through, to not have that "what if" linger in my thoughts, eating away at my consciousness and my heart.But what about the heartbreak of someone leaving, or of someone betraying you after you've opened yourself to them, you say? Well there's always going to be pain, but life isn't worth living if you don't take risks. And we fall so as to learn how to get back up again, and I can confidently affirm that every hearbreak is little less painful.
What do I mean with obstacles? Obstacles can come in many forms, from the inevitable departure of one the parties, to the skepticism and distance of a person once betrayed by his/her former love. Either way, people fail to act out of fear, fail to realize that life is not composed of time, but moments. A guy who's leaving in three months is no impediment to try to live those 3 months like they were your last, cos believe me, sometimes those 3 months can be your last, and some people are just not the same after letting that opportunity pass them by and piece of them dies with them. Don't let opportunities, along with your life, pass you by.If I could do it again
I'd make more mistakes
I'd climb more trees
I'd not be so scared of falling
Don't think of time, think of moments... it's frightening how an uneventful year composed of a meaningless recollection of repetitively mundane actions can easily be compressed into a week's worth of memories. "Every man's life ends the same way. It is only the details of how he lived and how he died that distinguish one man from another. So seek happiness while you can, as the supreme happiness of life is found in the conviction that we are loved; loved for ourselves, or rather in spite of ourselves.
(Hemingway and Victor Hugo fused together)Post taken from Alfon's blog: http://alfonspot.blogspot.com
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