Friday, April 27, 2007


Some philosophers say that the one downfall of modern society is choice. We have so many choices to make, and we don’t even realise we’re making them. Your alarm clock goes off in the morning. Do you move, do you snooze, do you outright ignore it?

You go to school. Or do you? What courses will you take? What job do you want? You're making notes on the Industrial Revolution and the coffee trade in South America right now, but where's it gonna take you? Could be anywhere. Australia, Zimbabwe. McDonalds. Which is right for you?

You go to the supermarket. 227 types of cereal. You could spend your whole day trying to choose, and still come out with cornflakes. Does your cereal fulfil you? Does it?

You go to the club. You meet a handsome guy. And another one. And then more. The world is your oyster - a parade of beautiful people. A flurry of stunningly unique snowflakes; you catch them on your tongue. Old and young, dark and fair, bitter and sweet, a series of everchanging patterns. But as soon as one snowflake lands, it's replaced by the next and melts away, leaving a watery taste. Your mouth becomes icy and numb.

All those lovely choices, but there's only room for one. The One. Out of all those endless choices, there must be an ideal - your own perfection. Someone who can fulfil you, completely. It's easy. Well, "easy" - if life was that easy, I wouldn't be writing on this matter, now would I?

Choices are usually made through the following:

1. By our own logic - what is right, as in, what is moraly correct, thus not leading to an uncontrolable emotional ride with our hearts. Nothing to lose. Nothing to gain. Safety.

2. By our feelings - what may not be right, but human nature takes over and tells us we have to go through this, because the drive speaks louder. The heart, of course. The hopeless and hopefully masochist heart. Risk.

This is of course an enormous generalization of the matter. I personally make my choices (at least in my personal life) through my emotions, because in the end, I'd rather risk and know the outcome, than play it safe. I can play it safe when im 6 feet under instead...until then, I will risk. That is my choice. No matter how cliché that may sound.

All you have to do is choose one. Pick out that one remarkable fish out of that vast and overwhelming sea.
Make the right choice. But then again, can we rely in ourselves into making "the right choice"? Are we really capable in seeing beyond the haze and not get lost in the vast sea of beautiful people?
We may end up lonely and unsatisfied with the choices we make, with people who don't fullfil our hearts with joy and warmth. Damn the sea, damn the human logic, and damn these choices! It shouldn't be so hard.

There are over six billion humans on this earth to choose from, you'd better hurry up...

You don't have forever, you know...


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