Thursday, December 14, 2006

Metamorphosis of the self

One of the most beautiful yet mysterious things in life must be human nature. So complex, yet so simple - all at once, like an explosion of firework with all the colors of the rainbow, drawing poetry in the sky.

I have come to realize how our insights come upon. You know, in that split second when you make peace with yourself, when the last piece of the puzzle is found - where you know where you stand & how we make sense of our very own unique selfs.
Human beings are so interesting, because when we think we have control of something, when we think we understand something, it surprises us. Then our insecurity kicks in. What we once held as truth, is in fact, everything but the truth. Once again, we have to reflect all over again, spend some time reflecting, order to make sense of it all again. Humans evolve all the time, and so does our behaviour.

Our experiences do bring us lessons, but it brings us an incredible burden as well - we know we have to make peace with the past, in order to remain sane, in order not to lose our hopes. Because human beings live on hope.
And its the only way for us to move on, and keep on living, without that bitter aftertaste. So many times I have been disappointed with people. My expectations weren't met, my thoughts became messed up, and nothing made sense. I'd usually sit down and wonder what went wrong, and what i could have learnt from that experience - however, without losing my innocence, my thrust for life and all those overwhelming feelings which pumps our bloods through our veins, keeping us alive.

I've come to realize that in order to get insight, we cant possibly do it on our own. Sometimes we meet amazing creatures who reflect the hope that we need. That small piece of the puzzle. However we create great mistakes by taking in these people in our lives with such great hopes - because we see hope for us, in them, we become dependent on them - and that is where we miss the point.

In order to feel good in our skins again, to find a direction in which we should live by, get that security back we should receive these people, with arms wide open, but realizing that they are only tools which help us realize things we knew unconsciously, but which had to be grabbed by someone outside our very selves in order to realize it was in there all along.

That is why we feel so confused and lonely when life turn its back on us, the disapointment is so big, sometimes we believe we will never find the energy to stand up again - simply for the fact that we put all our faith in the people who help us out of the tunnel, when in fact, the truth and the hope was still burning inside of us...we just needed that little push.....a little help from the outside.. On the other hand, I love it when I meet these angels which bring me to knew insights. One thing i know for sure, this is my truth, and its unchangeable... Maybe thats the only way in order for one not to become bitter? Who knows..

I dont expect anything from them. I dont demand anything from them. Yet, i receive so much in return. An overwhelming bliss.

You can still shed some fire in your heart, without getting burnt..


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