Monday, December 04, 2006

The mind is a razorblade

T onight i gave myself the chance to sleep at a decent hour - 21pm. I woke up about 2 times and the 3d time i woke up at at 01:45. I don't know what it is that keeps me up so late at night. I've noticed I am night person. The world seems calmer & everybody is asleep. No stress, no rush, no sound but the rain drops clinging on my window.

It is a very cosy feeling, indeed. My late nights became a habit 2 years ago. Partly because of the people in the corridor, and the thousands of discussions we used to have. Most of us feel lonely or just need a shoulder to lean on at night, when the noise is gone, and we are reminded of our own troubles - mediocre or not, however, still making themselves reminded during the loud silence every night brings us.

That reminds me how friends are crucial and important. Not that I didnt know that before, but when as our lives are quite intense right now, like a sucking spunge grasping every drop of water, we need our friends in order to help us remain sane. I would be completely lost without them.
My thoughts are always going 150km/h and it doesn't help that i am an impulsive person. Sometimes i get myself into situations without consulting myself on the matter.

I often find myself in a twilight zone wondering: "How did I get here?" and "What led me to this?" Quite scary.

But havent you noticed that you too, have done this?

I believe we arent in full control and awareness of what our feelings/emotions can do. Sometimes, our feelings/emotions do us a favor and leads us into this unknown path, without even asking our logic self if that is a good idea. It works for us because it wants to tell us something, because our logic self would never be so impulsive and thoughtful. Of course not, logic doesnt work that way..its our careful part of the brain, while the wild child emotional part of the brain is trying to tell us or warn something is wrong and that we only live once...Take the leap or else!
It keeps us from getting stuck in oblivion.
Mine is telling me: Open your eyes..

What are yours telling you?


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