Monday, April 28, 2008

Take one boy from the South,

And one girl from the North
Put them in a large bowl,
But don’t let them touch yet.

Add two computers with a dash of Instant Messenger,
Two cell phones,
And two webcams.
Whisk together.

Stir in a pinch of inside jokes,
Three heaping cupfuls of laughter,
And two hearts.

Mix in 1/3 teaspoon of longing,
1/3 teaspoon of loneliness
And ¾ of a cup of like.

Now blend in a plane ticket,
Five tablespoons of syrupy anxiety,
And a generous shake of shyness.

Gently fold in twenty chocolate kisses,
And thirty sweet-smelling hugs.
Add as much as you like, to taste.

Set the timer to “Warm”
And bake until pink and golden.
Then coat the top with a layer of love,
Sprinkled with insecurity.

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