Today my post goes to my wonderful boyfriend Daniel.
It is his 26th birthday and becoming a lot before my eyes. I see him grow and develop. Sometimes it scares me how fast time has passed and how much has changed. We have been together for about a year and a half now. This time of our lives is a big question mark. Nothing is certain and life feels exciting but yet a bit scary. We don't have full control of anything. On our way to the future ahead, we make friends, we lose friends, we find love, we lose love..Indeed emotionally charged. I am not sure though, if I like the fact that we don't have control of anything. A wise man once said that nothing is to be kept or owned. I wonder, deep inside, how he managed to keep his sanity in times when everything became an uneasy question mark. I would like to ask him that...
Anyhow, this is Daniel. My partner, my best friend, my lover and my life.. He issmart, funny, a child inside and a tough idealistic man on the outside never seizing to try to shed light in my darkness..
He has left a strong impact in me. It is one of those people who we always remember throughout life. Although he is going through a lot of doubts and decisions to make, I support him in any decision he makes. I hope he knows that. Looking back, I would have like to have changed so many things that happened, but this is how life is. I just hope that whatever happens, happens for the best..
I love you, Daniel as long as forever goes.
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