Sunday, September 17, 2006


"I love you"

How many times haven't we heard these words? Everywhere it is. So much that it has lost its meaning.

"I love you" is said at any given situation just as much as "hello how are you? ".
Even though it has lost its enormous significance, I have realized how it affects my very own romantic life. I myself don't say it too often, but I do say.

Actions carry a far bigger meaning than words, so should we skip the burden of saying "I love you" back and feel satisfied with the actions? instead and let that be that? Are actions really enough to ensure us the feel good level in a relationship?
I am not sure about that, to tell you the truth.
I agree actions reflect reality and tells us much more, however as complex as us human beings are (or lets say women, alright), we need to hear these words once in a while. It rewards our hearts and makes us feel safe, so even I need it, despite of its overcomercialized use.

Now the question remains - am i a slave of Sex and the city-series and cosmo maganizes or do I actually have a point?

On the other hand I do understand that sometimes we go through tough patches in a relationship, when the stakes are high and any uncautious step can lead to its end.

The "I love you's" don't seem to fit in that picture. But then again, maybe we should say "I love you" sometimes, even during those periods, because those powerful words still behold of strong feelings - they can even save relationship crisis, or at least, keep it together when its holding on to any hope it can get.

Am i right or am I wrong? Opinions are more than welcome.


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